Minutes of the Board Meeting held on Tuesday 20th February 2024 at 7pm in the Autumn Club, Kirkcowan.
- In attendance
Charlie McNeill, David Edwards, Bill Harkness, Andrew Gladstone, Martin Marsh, Hazel Matthews and Hazel McWhirter.
Others: Carol Lochrie (Machars Action) and Nicki Chadwick (KCDT Support Officer). - Welcome and apologies
Charlie welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received from Lynne Dalglish. - Minutes of previous meeting
The minutes were proposed by Martin and seconded by David. - Matters arising
It was agreed that the next Winter Fuel Allowance application form will include wording along the lines of ‘We will process applications as quickly possible. All payments will be made by a certain date. Please only contact us regarding your application if you haven’t received payment by this date.’
Carol reported that she has received two quotes for a new accountancy firm. Montpelier Chartered Accounts in Newton Stewart was chosen by unanimous vote. The new contract will start at the beginning of the next financial year.
It was also reported that a payment of £243,741.03 was received from ScottishPower Renewables Kilgallioch Windfarm on 9th February 2024. - Village Hall update
It was reported that the Village Hall Committee is in discussions with Robert Lowther, Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities Asset Manager, concerning the lease of the village hall. An application for stage one asset transfer of the hall remains on the table. It was agreed that KCDT can support grant applications from the village hall if there are sufficient funds in KCDT’s budget.
The village hall update is to be removed from future agendas. - Jenna Morra Wood
Andrew Gladstone reported that a public meeting regarding Jenna Morra Wood was quite well attended. At the meeting, concerns were raised about people taking fallen or chopped wood for firewood and if all rhododendrons need to be removed. It was suggested that, over time, native species could be planted in spaces left by rhododendron. Andrew has contacted two people regarding creating a footpath along the river. Two notices have been placed at entrances to the woodland saying that more information is available on the KCDT website. Following the meeting, more volunteers have been involved in working in the woodland on Saturdays. - School Play Park
There was nothing to report. The school play park update is to be removed from future agendas. - Kirkcowan Community Council update
There was nothing to report relating to KCDT. - Contract with Jupiter Play
It was reported that, once the contract with Jupiter has been signed, work on the play park should begin in May and is expected to be finished by the end of the summer holidays. A completion date could be earlier, depending on the weather. Once the contract is signed, 20% of the costs will be paid up front with the remaining costs to be paid at the end of the project. - Minibus
The minibus is being customised at the factory in Stoke and should be ready in two weeks. Three quotes have been received for insurance for the minibus. Once the most appropriate insurance has been identified, David Edwards will submit a grant application. David reported that he has been in touch with Galloway Signs regarding signage for the minibus to acknowledge who has provided funding. Carol is to provide details of logos and correct pantones of the sponsors. It was agreed to release the final payment for the minibus of £32,106.48. - Accountancy firms
Covered in matters arising. - Stakeholder and Community Team SPR
Carol reported that Craig Brown from SPR had expressed an interest in attending the next KCDT Board Meeting. It was agreed to invite him to the meeting. - Procurement Policy/Application & Guidelines
It was reported that there are some discrepancies between KCDT’s procurement policy and the grant application and guidelines. Bill agreed to draft a new procurement policy. - Finance report
The finance report was approved. - Grant applications
Grants for the minibus, an educational grant and two applications from Kirkcowan Rainbows (for a trip to Glentrool and annual insurance) were approved. - Any other business
It was reported that the KCDT website doesn’t appear in a Google search. Nicki is to contact Matt Kitson regarding improving accessibility of the website. - Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 28th March at 7.00 pm.