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Kirkcowan Community Development Trust makes grants to eligible residents and groups using funds from the ScottishPower Renewables Kilgallioch and Velocita Airies and RES Glenchamber wind farms. 

Kirkcowan Community Development Trust’s aim is to provide benefit to the community of Kirkcowan through sustainable community development. The Trust has a live Community Action Plan and it prioritises projects and activities which fit within the framework of this plan. The fund will do this by making grants to support the costs of relevant projects, services and facilities.

Who can apply?

Groups and organisations working to benefit people in Kirkcowan can apply. You don’t need to be a registered charity to apply, but your group/organisation must meet the standard eligibility criteria

If you are an unconstituted group, you may apply in the name of your unconstituted group, but only if a constituted group is willing to sponsor your application by providing their bank account details, constitution and accounts.

Applications from groups/organisations located outwith the fund area must demonstrate a clear benefit for residents within the fund area.

The Winter Fuel grant is available to all eligible households in the Kirkcowan Community Council area, where the Kirkcowan property is the main permanent residence of the individual applying. One application can be made per eligible household.

Winter Fuel Application Form 2024

You can download this year’s application form and FAQs here.

Grant Applications for Groups and Organisations

For more information and to begin your application, please click through to Foundation Scotland’s website Kirkcowan Community Fund | Foundation Scotland

Grant Applications for Individuals

Educational Grant and Driving Test forms are currently being updated. Please email or call Rosie on 0131 5240338 for support

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