Membership of the Trust is open to anyone who is a resident within the Kirkcowan Community Council Area.
By becoming a member, you gain full voting rights at General Meetings and are entitled to stand for election as a Director. To nominate someone for election as a Director, you must also be a member of the Trust.
There is no cost in becoming a member of Kirkcowan Community Development Trust and liability of members is limited to £1.
The affairs, property and funds of the Trust are directed and managed by a Board of Directors.
The Board consists of:
Each year, one-third of the Elected Directors will retire from office but will be eligible for another three-year term. After this the Director must wait a year before being standing as a Director again.
Anyone wishing to stand as a Director is expected to support the purposes of the Trust and must follow the rules and guidelines as set out by the funders and the Trust.
If you wish to become a member, please download the form here: Membership Application Form
Alternatively, you can contact us to request that a membership application is sent to you. Email