Minutes of Board Meeting held on Thursday 7th December 2023

  1. Welcome and Apologies
    Charlie welcomed everyone to the meeting, particularly David Edwards (new Director) and Martin Marsh (returning Director).
    Apologies were received from Nicki and a message was received from Hazel M to explain she would be late to the meeting.
  2. Minutes of previous meeting
    The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed. Proposed by Bill, Seconded by Hazel McW.
  3. Matters arising
    There were no matters arising.
  4. Village Hall update
    Charlie is to provide an update at the next meeting. The plan remains to do repairs to the roof and heating. Discussion took place regarding the public toilets. It was felt that public toilets would be better placed in the Play Park.
  5. Jenna Morra Wood
    Andrew reported that he had received 2 quotes for the thinning operation. The priority is to open the route of the lower path to follow the river. An invoice is due for foour days work already completed. Discussion took place regarding whether excess wood would go to stack for decay or moved to roadside.
  6. Winter Fuel
    Carol reported that all payments should be made by Nicki by the end of the day. The process this year has been relatively smooth. It was agreed that the payment made to a second home should stand. It was agreed that only one payment should be made per household if there is a change of resident(s) during the Winter Fuel period. Discussion took place regarding the payments being set to be paid on a certain date. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.
  7. Play Park update
    Carol reported that the planning application is now valid. She reported that Jupiter Play would be ready to be onsite very quickly after planning is passed and a formal contract is signed.
  8. School Play Park
    Carol reported that she had written to Jemma McNeil! regarding the status of the plans for the school play park. (Hazel M joined the meeting)

  1. Kirkcowan Community Council update
    Hazel M reported that the work on the pathways is ongoing. Hazel McW reported that the grant funding for the Badminton Club has been returned to the Trust.
  2. AGM
    The minutes of the AGM had been distributed. Carol asked whether it would be preferable to engage the services of an accountant who is experienced in charitable accounts. It was agreed that she would contact four accountancy firms for costings to carry out this work.
  3. Finance Report
    The finance reports for October and November have been distributed. Carol reported that the August income should read Aries, not Glenchamber. Carol agreed to increase the font size of the finance reports.
    Carol advised the group of the reply from SPR regarding the issues of investing in a stock market investment company. It was agreed that the Trust would remain with United Trust Bank. Carol advised that it would be preferable to wait until the Play Park is finished before investing any more money with United Trust Bank. This was agreed.
    It was agreed that Carol would write to all Trust members to explain the preference to use email, in order to cut down on administrative costs of the AGM.
    Carol agreed to formulate a cash flow projection for the next 12 months.
  4. Grant Applications
    Carol informed the Trust of the latest grant applications. Discussion took place regarding whether the Trust should be looking for an indication that organisations are making some effort to contribute to costs. Carol agreed to re-word the application form to this effect.
  5. SPR Kilgallioch Report
    Carol distributed a copy of the report that had been submitted.
  6. Any other business
    The results of the Post Office and General Store survey were discussed. Carol agreed to rework the results as percentages, publish them on the website and forward a copy to Shalla.
  7. Date of next meeting
    The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 16th January 2024 at 7pm at the Autumn Club.