Work is due to get underway on a new community play park on the site of the existing playing field in Kirkcowan. The Kirkcowan Community Development Trust (KCDT) has signed a contract with Jupiter Play and Leisure Ltd. to develop the play park, which will hopefully be completed by the end of summer 2024.
This exciting new project, based on the existing Community Action Plan, will see the old play equipment being removed from the playing field and new equipment installed, along with landscaping of the park. The work follows months of planning and consultations with Kirkcowan residents, particularly the young ones.
Drone footage has been taken to allow before and after comparisons of the site.
Jupiter Play has said that they will make every effort to ensure that some of the works are completed so that the site can be safely used for the school sports day and Fun in the Park.
Once the play park is finished, there’ll be an official open day to celebrate.
More details to follow!