Minutes of Board Meeting held on Tuesday 17th October 2023
1. In attendance: Charlie McNeill, Bill Harkness, Hazel Matthews, Andrew Gladstone and Martin Marsh.
Others: Carol Lochrie (Machars Action) and Nicki Chadwick (KCDT Support Officer).
2. Welcome and apologies
Charlie welcomed everyone to the meeting.
3. Notes of previous meeting
No notes of previous meeting as there was no quorum.
4. Matters arising
There were no matters arising.
5. Village Hall update
There was no update. It was reported that the Village Hall Committee is still waiting to hear from Dumfries and Galloway Council regarding a 10-year lease.
6. Jenna Morra Wood
It was reported that around 1,100 trees have so far been marked to be felled, with more still to be marked. The next stage is to get contractors to cut them down. Quotes for this work are required and Andrew looking into possible contractors. The focus of the felling is on the priorities that have been identified, including anything growing too close to the dyke and anything close to where the bridges will be constructed. Hardcore is also needed for the Johnson’s Bridge parking area. Other priorities are trees overhanging existing path.
7. Winter Fuel Allowance and newsletter
It was reported that the Winter Fuel Allowance Scheme application form has been sent to all households in the Kirkcowan Community Council area, along with the KCDT Autumn Newsletter and a survey regarding the Kirkcowan Post Office and General Store.
8. Play Park update
It was reported that the application for planning permission for the Play Park has been received by Dumfries and Galloway Council. The council has requested a more detailed location plan and drawings, including further information regarding boundaries, play equipment, etc.
9. School Playground
It was reported that a member of the parent council of the Kirkcowan Primary School had requested an update on the school play park. Carol agreed to follow up.
10. Kirkcowan Community Council update
There was no update.
11. AGM
It was reported that AGM papers had been sent to all KCDT members. It was agreed that a poster with details of the AGM should be displayed in the Kirkcowan Post Office.
12. Finance report
The finance report was accepted.
13. Grant applications
One educational grant application was accepted. It was agreed that David Edwards (Autumn Club) should be asked to present details at the AGM regarding the minibus being purchased with a KCDT grant.
14. Any other business
There was no other business.
15. Date of next meeting
Thursday 7th December at 7pm.