The future of Jenna Morra Community Woodland was the focus of a Public Meeting at the Autumn Club in Kirkcowan on Wednesday 31st January. The meeting was an opportunity for members of the community to find out what work is being carried out in the woodland and to express their views on how they would like to see it managed in the future. The woodland is owned by the Kirkcowan Community Development Trust (KCDT) on behalf of the community.
KCDT Director Andrew Gladstone gave an update on the progress made so far to eradicate the rhododendron within the woodland, while some members of the community expressed a desire to retain some rhododendron. Andrew also explained the thinking behind the current programme of thinning and the creation of a new path along the riverbank.
Concern was raised that some people may help themselves to stacked timber, which should be retained in the wood. It was suggested that notices are put up at the two entrances to the wood to discourage people from removing fallen or cut wood, with information outlining the ecological benefits of deadwood. Dead and decaying wood provide a nutrient-rich habitat for fungi, a nursery for beetle larvae and a larder for birds and other animals who feed on insects, being one of a woodland’s essential recycling processes.
KCDT is particularly keen to find more members of the community who are willing to give up a couple of hours of their time on Saturday mornings during the winter months to join the small group of volunteers who are working to improve the woodland. There is no need to attend every Saturday and no special skills are required. Many hands make light work!
Further information is available from Andrew Gladstone (KCDT Director) on 07812 920088.
To find out more about current and future plans for the woodland, please click on the following links:
Jenna Morra Woodland Environmental Constraints Survey and Phase 1 Habitat Survey
Jenna Morra Woodland Felling Permission Application Form